COVID-19 Update
- When used, tumbling mats, Ballet barres and any class props will be disinfected.
- Door handles, light switches and radio equipment will be disinfected.
Floors will be sanitized daily. - Only the main bathroom will be available for use and sanitized regularly.
- Parents are asked to drop off dancers at the front door at the start of class and come pick them up from the door at the end of class.
- If you have a dancer that is under the age of 4 yrs old, please remember to keep the lobby to a 1 parent maximum to minimize a highly populated waiting room. Otherwise, the lobby will be closed as there will be no seating available.
- Students will start and end class with washing hands/using hand sanitizer. They will also be sent to wash their hands after any coughing, sneezing or nose blowing. A wall hand dryer has been installed to limit contact.
- Dancers will not have access to the water jug, but are able to bring in a water bottle labeled with their name. Dancers will not be allowed to go to the bakery, discount store or dollar general unless they are with a parent.
- Large dance bags are prohibited. Dancers can bring in a small bag that contains necessities including dance shoes. Cell Phones need to be left in bags instead of laying on floors or surfaces.
- There will not be any lockers or locker room areas available. All bags will have to stay in the individual bins outside of the dance studios. Please pack light or nothing at all! All staff will wear a face covering/mask while teaching classes.
- Dancers are encouraged to wear a mask, but are not required.
Please do not come to the studio if anyone that has been around the dancer is sick. If a dancer has had a fever, we ask that they are fever free for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to class. - All dancers must be picked up on time as we need to keep the traffic to a minimum.
- Payments made by check can be dropped in the outside mailbox and it will be checked regularly throughout the night. Cash payments must be in envelope and labeled with your dancer’s name. It can be given to the teacher at drop off or pick up. Credit Card payments can be made over the phone during business hours or through your parent portal at any time. Paypal payments can be made through our website or through the Paypal website at any time
- Should you need to discuss anything regarding your dancer or your dancers account, we ask that you call the studio during business hours. Please keep in mind that we will have limited staff available so you may not get an immediate answer. Email is the most efficient means of communication!
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